From: John Kleefeld <>
CC: Cristina Ruiz <>
Date: 01/09/2017 00:35:58 UTC
Subject: The Place of Apology in Law
Attachments: OSLS Vol 7, No 3 (2017): The Place of Apology in Law.eml

Dear colleagues:


I’m writing to tell you about a new special issue of the Oñati Socio-legal Series, entitled The Place of Apology in Law, edited by Prue Vines (University of New South Wales) and Robyn Carroll (University of Western Australia), all masterfully copy-edited and assembled by Journal Manager Cristina Ruiz, who is just finishing up her tenure at the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law. The issue, which grew out of an international workshop in May 2016, includes eleven papers and an introduction, all available in open access through the Social Science Research Network. The attached email provides the abstracts of the papers and links to the PDF versions of each of the articles; you can also access the material through the journal’s home page. This is perhaps the most ambitious collection of law-and-apology research yet, and signals both a maturation and increased recognition of this highly interdisciplinary field.


Yours truly,



Dean and Professor, Faculty of Law

University of New Brunswick

PO Box 4400

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Fredericton NB  Canada E3B 5A3


+1 506 453 4635


@UNBLaw | @UNBKleefeld